Aloha People!

Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.

To provide me feedback on a particular posting or just to contact me, write a comment!

Long time no see, changes, Jawed Karim

I have NOT blogged since ages and find myself talking to my blog "long time no see my friend".... I was tempted couple of times in the last few weeks but sometimes sleep, at other times the sheer lack of finger energy have succeeded in keeping me from writing...This is bad since my goal of writing a book by 2008 now seems in grave danger....Either I need a sabbatical which is unlikely or I need to do nanowrimo and just get the story out of my system and done with....the fact that i haven't even blogged goes to say how much I have been writing, forget about serious writing!!!

Lotsa changes in daily life - new job, new house, triathlon training, fund raising, new toastmasters duties, savesantanu, side projects, new commute MOs, new lingo...through all of them life has been one exciting and adventurous journey.....can i pack in 1 more moving element, will the card castle come crashing or will i continue to flourish?

who says facebook, orkut, friendster and all other networking sites are useless.....most days they are good to waste away time or find a long lost friend or just fool around with ur mates....sometimes i stumble upon brand new information that connects to me in a certain way.....on a friend of a friend's wall i stumbled upon Jawed Karim on facebook....Intrigued I did a google search and found some background info such as With YouTube, Student Hits Jackpot Again
I also found Jawed to be one of the most entertaining commencement speakers!
Anyway, what I found most interesting about him was the humility of going back to school to learn more....inspiring indeed....