Aloha People!

Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.

To provide me feedback on a particular posting or just to contact me, write a comment!

The Business of Networking

The online networking industry is faced with a problem: the emergence of a few standardized leaders in the market. The business is still in its infancy and the landscape is similar to pre-Google days. Sure search capabilities existed begore Google, but we had one too many search engines and none that could really hand consumers the power of the web in a single click. We haven't seen a single example of a networking company proving itself financially profitable as yet.

Majority of the users of social and business networking softwares are clearly disappointed with the disparate and weak solutions available in the market. A plethora of mass networking sites like orkut, friendster, classmates, linkedin, yahoogroups, googlegroups, facebook as well as thousands of smaller regional and niche players are still in the evolutionary phase. So far not a single networking model has been able to capture the constant attention span of the users. The power of the network is both in its reach (various types of services) and in its depth (a critical mass of customers).

Customer satisfaction and business viability are sore issues for now.


Nitin Bagla said...

hey..i came here frm ur hindi blog...but it is not updated since 16th aug. 2004...why have u stopped writing in hindi?

Opasna said...

Thanks for reminding me Nitin!

I guess I have been lazy and busy!