So this topic is really funny, exciting and inspirational all at once for me. It started with me reading the news on a personalized google homepage which receives news feeds from 20 different news and business magazines I like. Often I am unable to read all the news that pours on my page, so it was sheer luck that something on caught my eye. It was an article on Matchmaking Indian-style which is apparently (I should have known given the affixiation Indians have towards getting married) a 300 million dollar enterprise. At the forefront in the e-form of this emerging industry are 2 websites launched in late 90s, and both founded by Indian-American entrepreneurs.
With usual curiosity, I started to review's founder Anupam Mittal's career graph. Interestingly enough, this rather bland and boring blurb on does not do any justice to the creative dabbler hidden in him. A quick google search revealed that Anupam is none other than the long-haired protagonist Rad and producer of the fun indie flick Flavors. I just saw this movie on DVD a week ago and recommended it to my friends and family :)
This fun fact sparked my interest even further and I went on to review the directors of the movie and what they have been up to. I also looked up Gaurang Vyas and Gaurav Rawal two of the Flavors cast members.
The most fun cast member turned out to be the guy who played my favorite character Kartik in the movie Flavors - Dr. Reef Karim. Now this guy is really something! I am impressed - doctor, actor, model, speaker, professor, social activist...the list seems to be endless. How he manages it all is cool but the fact he is doing more than one thing he is interested in at the same time is supercool and inspirational. Same goes for all the other Flavors cast and crew members, all of whom apparently have a different day job.
This means that there is hope for lazy people like me who aspire to do a million different things (a bunch of which obviously fizzle out). I have now Barack Obama's "Audacity to Hope" that one day I will sincerely vest the time and energy to passionately pursue the few things that make me tick and my life happenning enough to make me happy!
On a filmy and fun note I must be sure to check out this new indie movie Khel Shuru.
Aloha People!
Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.
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To provide me feedback on a particular posting or just to contact me, write a comment!
Dear Cynical Thinker,
Cynical or otherwise, you have been trhinking for too long, where is your next post??
Dear Anon
Thanks 4 ur curious comment! Actually I'm doing a lot of thinking and writing these days; its in stealth mode though :)
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