Aloha People!

Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.

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Indian Ocean: The Band with a Big Bang

Sunday night I went to see an Indian band called the "Indian Ocean" perform. This was a bit funny since I tend to go see bands that I like and this one I had never heard of. But a lot of my friends had good things to say about them so I just went. And man was it a good decision or what! A couple of my friends who chickened out did certainly regret doing so once I called each of them to give them my spiel.

The verdict is out: they were great, the crowd loved it. The music was mostly metallic rock mixed with classical Indian table notes and melodic guitar tunes. The lyrics were minimalitsic to say the least but where they did exist, they were great and had deep meaning. After the show, I was quite excited and even went on to meet and greet the band members. Psyched as I was, later in the night I checked out their web presence and history. They are quite well travelled and have had the honor of playing at several prestigious occasions.

Some sparkling fusion, it's Bollywood in the big tent

Gr8 fan site

A Band Apart - Lalitha Suhasini meets Indian Ocean, four men who chose to quit their careers to make music full-time

1 comment:

Lalitha Suhasini said...

I love Indian Ocean too. Glad that Black Friday is releasing soon.