One fine day when one of the Indian cable channels ZEE TV presented a comedy soap called HUM PAANCH who knew that history was being created. Promoted by the then 19 year old Ekta Kapoor, daughter of the renowned Jeetandra, a moviestar, the soap hit all time records for TRP ratings and ran on for 5 straight years..This was a loud but enjoyable comedy show about a couple raising 4 young and independent daughters in Bombay!
Then came those years where the letter K and Balaji Telefilms impounded us with one after another soap about family drama and what not...The very superstitious Ekta continued to rampage all the channels now with her newer soaps...She alone became responsbile for the success of so many new comers: actors/actresses/writers/directors on the tube that had more than half the country glued to their sofas.....
For more information on this topic refer to:
While these serials were coming out at rapid speeds akin to bullets fired left and right in Kill BILL, the Indian crowd slowly started getting bored with the same old story, same faces, day in and out....A bunch of taglines and jokes came out on the SAAS-BAAHU serials.....By the way SAAS means MOTHER-IN-LAW and BAAHU means DAUGHTER-IN-LAW in Hindi....So you can imagine that these serials were something like the ever-meddling Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond who keeps messing with her daughter-in-law Debra...But the similarities end just there...While Ray and his whole family try to get us laughing, the sordid tell tales of the Balaji "K" serials made you cry and feel sad.....
Anyways, I found them to be such a drag...and once in a while when I did watch them the whole concept struck as stupid and funny to me....
But why tirade so much about EKTA today...Well, the same SAAS_BAAHU story is today coming true in modern India..The biggest conglomerate in India called RELIANCE INDUSTRIES is today facing a similar situation as we have seen for ages....2 brothers fighting over the big Billion dollar business legacy that their late Dad left them....
Isn't it funny and amzing how the reel drama has come alive for real ?
Very interesting articles over the Reliance Ownership Issue :,4136,78814,00.html
Who should be the knighted king ? Mukesh or Anil ? Should they split ? After all their professionalism and higher education they have still come down to the same old Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki or for that matter Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi!!!!
Reliance :: What a company ! Ambanis :: What brotherly love ?!
Aloha People!
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Ashtrix says ...
I already know your verdict :-). A victory for Mukesh bhaiyya. Today Rahul Bajaj gave a statement that also indicates a patch up. I think chhota bhai will agree to live under 'bade bhaiyya's' marg darshan ... and all will be well in Reliance-dom :-).
HI...that was really getting prolific with a vengeance! Have read this one, will do the rest shortly...
As for Ambanis...they had better stop their childish quarrels and get back to work! Too much is stake here!
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