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Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.

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American Valour in Iraq !!??

This is an interesting piece I came across on a popular Indian portal..I don't know what to think of it but the article talks about real experiences of Indian workers in Iraq...These workers recently on returning to India tell tales of American soldiers lacking "courage under fire"....I don't endorse their opinion as it would be shameful to blame the entire US Armed Forces for the certain shameful acts of a few Ameircan soldiers..But yet time and again we have heard horror stories from Viet Nam and now Iraq....A recent example is Lynndie England and others perpetrating atrocities in Abu Ghraib....
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