Aloha People!

Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.

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Of baby birds & Journeys back home

If sky was the limit indeed,
With daring first strokes of its petite wings
Off would fly the little bird
Scared at first, couragesous thereafter.

Learning to leapfrog with time and travel
It would travel to far off lands;
Lands unkown to all in the baby bird's flock
For this one was that lame sheep
Who was left behind when newly flying baby birds
Together practiced their strokes and felt the high
Of moving so fast so high from the ground.

Who was to know that same bird
Would one day fly off to a land far away
Where it would see and enjoy the sights of a world unknown hitherto
A world very different from the bird's nested little house
On that homely tree that protected it from all the sun

Lost now in this matrix of attractive sights
Confused and tired was the baby bird
Fending off stormy winds and birds of this new habitat
Where love, caring and sharing were values too much to have

It was then that the bird did the two first things
Its mommy had taught it
It prayed to God and then thought about its family
Oh! how nice it would be to go to them
To chirp, laugh and cry with them
To go back to that land of love where the baby learnt its first strokes
And then with proud baby steps it took off again
On that long journey back home
Where love abounded in abundance
And even foes were as good as friends
Love, God and Courage carried the baby bird
Through rough weather and wrong lanes
It found its way slowly back
And there was everybody
Out in the open sky looking far and out for the baby bird
That lame last one who had outflown all !

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