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Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.

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On female status & handshakes

This has now happenned to me twice in a single week...Can't say that I am cribbing about it! I am sure this has happenned to many young women out there.....

Just this weekend, I was at a social gathering where except 1-2 people all the faces were new to me...True to etiquette, I came forward and introduced myself and then 'IT' happenned..The crowd there was masculine in guys were chivalrous enough to gently shake hands and introduce themselves..Then there was that guy who barely touched the ends of my fingers let alone shake hands properly..and while doing his sped-fast semi-handshake he was looking at somebody else and did not even bother to say his name...Talk about manners....

Alright that night I let it go...u know late night gathering plus the guy was talking to someone else whilst trying to introduce himself to me..But lo and behold it happenned again today...This time I was meeting some new people with regards to some work and there it was...The weird touch-me-not kinda handshake....The first guy was shy and calmly told me his name while shaking hands briskly...The second guy was the epitome of rudeness may I say... Ya he was looking away from me...ya he said his name..but you know how he shaked hands...his hand was straight and as tight as a rock and my hand was all curvy and ready to mould well in shape for a steady handshake....It felt as if I was shaking hands with a block of wood or something like that...It felt grosse....I am like if you don't like shaking hands please don't but at least don't make the other person feel bad....

Later I got thinking..Why does this happen only to me?...Is it me...I polled some of my friends on this one...Does this happen to ya'll?..Haven't experienced so far said all my guy friends...Asked some of my girl friends and they are like..Yahaan!! Ah..ha so I found the reason...Apparently, this unfriendly handshake is a common event experienced by quite a lot of girls....And what might be the super cool reason behind this kinda behavior..Nothing much...Just that some ultra masculine (looking or sentimentally feeling) guys who think kinda way too much of themselves and all other guys find it utterly useless and un-masculine to shake hands with girls..Duh!!

Give yourself a dose of reality all you guys..U maybe a stud, as handsome as a black horse or as smart as a chimpanzee but if you think you are too good to shake hands with all women you are in deep trouble man....I wish you all have loads of women in your workplace especially your bosses....I wonder how you guys would react then...It would be nice to see you get treated swell for such behavior by your bosses...

If you haven't got the point yet, man get this now!..Dude, women are not only as smart as men in each and every aspect of life but they are also outdoing men in several fields..Regardless, you should treat all women as equals and give them the same respect as you would to any man...Such rude behavior is not only unwarranted but also very non-masculine (think chivalrous guys are hot favorites with women :) )....Change your habits and be a good handshaker!!

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