The one with the game for the apartment (Copyright NBC)

How u doin'
Ha ha.. So last night I saw this promo for "Joey" a new comedy series starting next month with Matt Le Blanc from Friends playing Joey sans all his 'friends'...
This reminded me of Friends, the evergreen jolly good TV show that I immensely enjoyed. Till a few months back, my daily routine included watching a Friends rerun either on TV or DVD while having dinner. I have seen most of the episodes at least 3-5 times and yet never do I miss cracking on the jokes...Unlike most people, I never had a favorite on Friends...I loved all the characters at various stages in the decade long show - Joey for his dumb act, Chandler for his quirks, Ross for being weird at times, Monica for her compulsiveness, Rachel for being a spoilt brat turned responsible girl and Phoebe for being an active promoter of "Normal is boring".....
Together all of them gave a lot of people a reason to laugh and have a fun time..Not only were the 30 minutes full of gags but I guess a lot of situations allowed people to relate to the characters or events in the story with their real lives...
Several episodes are all time favorites and are highly recommended to watch if you haven't already..Like the one where Joey breaks his fridge and trys to get all his friends pay for him or the one where Joey finds Rachel's book and teases her in all ways possible about the sexy instances in the book or the one where Rachel moves on and starts dating Mark while Ross is glued to the peep-hole of Chandler's apartment in order to watch her moves or the one where the friends bet their apartment for a game or the one with the chick and the duck or the one with the cheese cake...This list can be endless..
Despite other shows of the decade which were equally good in all respects such as The 70s Show, X-Files, The Practice, Sex and the city...Friends has and always will have a very different place in the hearts of Friends lovers...I am one such fanatic and find no harm in saying so...Throughout the time span when the show was running we saw many events happen that could have dismantled such a well written and directed show yet luck and sense prevailed and the glorious and funniest show went on and on...
Many critics lashed out on the producers and directors for making the last 2 seasons very melodramatic and not as candid and funny as the previous seasons. However, while it was on, it was the highest rated show on primetime television.
What should one expect of Joey, the show is uncertain..I am a great fan of Matt Le Blanc but will he be able to live up to the expectations of the masses without the pure chemistry he shared with his co-stars on Friends ? This remains to be seen...Lets hope for the best...
For the uninitiated fans of Friends here a few things you should checkout:
The original Friends site
The Warner Bros Site
The NBC Friends site
The Friends DVD collection
The very popular Theme song 'I'll be there for you'
Story on CNN
Tons of other Friends sites
Classic friends lines
As Chandler would have said "Could it be...(pause)... any better?"
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