Aloha People!

Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.

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Who is Upasana ??

Alright, this would seem weird at first.... Why am I putting forth the question "Who am I?"..No no, this is not some freak point in my life when I have ventured towards understanding the deeper self...I am old enough to know myself....I was looking up something on Google when the first valid link I was directed to was did not serve the purpose of my query, but seemed interesting hence, I thought why not try it out.....

I gave the query "WHO"="Upasana" and the results presented were as interesting and funny as promised (see below)...Okay so I am a saree shop, an apartment complex, a cemetry, what not?! Hilarious huh :)....And I always thought that Upasana in the simplest terms meant "to pray" !

Googlism for: upasana

upasana is different

upasana is a kind of meditation wherein we exclusively bring the thought & feeling of some inspiring person in our mind and feel highly inspired & good

upasana is one entire upasana

upasana is described in all

upasana is only in initial

upasana is done only by the help of krishna as indicated in macchitta

upasana is an amalgam of vedic shlokas

upasana is useful only to expel our internal dirt

upasana is a place where people from all over can come and explore clothing possibilities of their own

upasana is a practice which helps in understanding and managing self

upasana is of three kinds

upasana is one who does upasana

upasana is helpful to get out of dehavadbi

upasana is undertaken with discrimination

upasana is nama sankeertana

upasana is leading shop for saree specialist in “benarasi and silk saree”

upasana is concluded with the offering of salutations

upasana is using prakrithi to

upasana is to sit close by

upasana is cemetry

upasana is a translation of shri durga saptshati in hindi verses by shri murari lal sharma

upasana is natural remedy for daily stress

upasana is deeply influenced by the abstract letters

upasana is either worldly prosperity

upasana is based on the vedantic conception of reality and operates within a definite conceptual framework

upasana is bhakti

upasana is essential for achieving that one pointedness of the mind

upasana is carried out with the basic understanding that all the deities are essentially one in nature

upasana is an expression of faith and devotion in the form of rites

upasana is saguna

upasana is also a type of karma called mental karma

upasana is of two kinds viz

upasana is the soul of the environment over here

upasana is our program in the marathi language

upasana is applied on three levels

upasana is considered so important in religious life that even our

upasana is to be done

upasana is quite another

upasana is one in dasamaha vidya of tantsopasana

upasana is possible or spiritual perfection practicable without austerity

upasana is acquired

upasana is done twice in a week

upasana is purity of mind and this is possible only with purvapunya

upasana is facilitated

upasana is the affair of the individual; there is nothing collective about it

upasana is a combination of prayers

upasana is a system or environment to become brahmroop or where no mistakes are possible

upasana is indicated by

upasana is for the

upasana is the royal road to spiritual victory

upasana is difficult in the begining

upasana is not blind faith

upasana is to a higher divinity

upasana is the perfection of

upasana is introduced in the seventh chapter

upasana is not ruled out

upasana is as follows

upasana is to seek the source of knowledge as an observer; by not running away from bondages; by not being attached to the results of actions

upasana is done as the essential for very life

upasana is this

upasana is for the "lower" grades and so forth

upasana is central to the invocation phase

upasana is essential

upasana is harikrishna maharaj in vadtal is that in akshardham that is the maharaj who was born in chappiya and lived in gadhpur

upasana is – upa+asan; that is

upasana is approaching the chosen ideal or object of worship by meditating on it in accordance with the teachings of the sastras and the guru and dwelling

upasana is an ancient practice

upasana is when an individual experiences his second birth as a spiritual being

upasana is the experience of our true nature in the waking state

upasana is vratas

upasana is based on faith and ultimately it reinforces this very faith

upasana is to be performed daily without fail

upasana is examined in the vimsamsa

upasana is of various kinds

upasana is bridged

upasana is a classical dance group in dubai

upasana is avidya

upasana is

upasana is a luxurious residential building of ground plus seven stories with 2/3 bhk apartments

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow ... so many you's !! Nice meeting :-).