Aloha People!

Edwin Schlossberg said - "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think". My aim here is to do exactly that: create a corner in the online world that forces one to re-think and question ideas that are treated as a given.

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Web responsibility!!

One fine sunny day, I realised that I now have some regular viewership on my hopeless web properties and with due respect to these people who visit my blogs I must gain a miraculous sense of web responsibility!

Ah what sparked this? I really don't know...One of two things, either the mature and responsible type feelings came from my house-hunting trips today throughout the suburbs of San Diego (u know looking for your first own apartment, lease terms, what huge..very different from looking for a place on or off-campus as a student) or was it the fact that I read somewhere that the maximum blogspace worldwide is devoted to depression and frustration based content...This really must be true for I have myself come across many a blogs/personal websites where this channel of expression is used for venting out anger and frustration....And this obviously led me to the self-realization that whoops, haven't I been doing the same thing...Talk about my N number of posts about Dell laptops, Kashmir, male chauvnists, etc.

Hence, given that about a dozen people make it a point to visit this blog at least once a week (and some even more than once a day :)) I must improve and maintain its already beaten up current form both in terms of what I publish and when....So I must try to write more about issues of public nature rather than personal and I must also try to optimize the number of posts....In my mind, Quality is much more important than Quantity so the number of posts I am afraid will remain about 2-4 per week.....

Ahem..Lets see how soon all these "I must and should" resolutions come into practice..Okay this might seem weird to people who don't know me but this how I am! I am very critical since early childhood and am also my biggest critic....All that advice that Dad used to give me about criticizing less and appreciating more others as well as myself has not gone far in my brain cells I guess....

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